A longer update today, I've unfortunately been slacking hard in the Blogging department and I apologize. So without further Ado, allow me too bring my small reader-base up to speed on the happenings here. Firstly, my Server has become QUITE popular, so much so that I've been persuaded to set up a proper Forum for it. been a hassle too maintain the server throughout the 1.0.0 release ("fun" is not a word i would use for that.. chaos).
PhpBB was dead-simple too set up, especially seeing as I already had mySQL setup for Logblock. all this support software for a game server does feel a little silly, until you seriously weigh-in the devastation Griefers can do to your builds. too stop Griefers you basically have 3 choices, 2 of which require logblock;
1) whitelist your server, This is near full-on protection. But very annoying for the Admins, as they have too approve each player.
2) grey-list your server, that is, let anyone join, but have your permissions system setup so they have too go through a lot of trouble too actually get too a point where they can grief. This is not full protection, and still requires logblock because there are some very, VERY VEEERRRRY stubborn Griefers. Also again, an Admin ussually has too be around too set up that players permissions.
3) And finally, certainly the most annoying for Admins, full-on reliance on Logblock. This offers high deterrence but has no further *preventive* measures. Griefers come, rip out your builds, blast your landscape too Bedrock, and pour lava over your wooden village, and you see it, then sigh as you tediously run /lb rollback player Griefer area 100 since <time just before the grief> then /lb rollback player tnt area 300 since <time just before first blast> and /lb rollback player fire area 300 sinc.. well, i'm sure you get the idea.
Another effective Griefer preventive is a region creation/guard there are a few, each tailored too specific needs. the two I've seen and used are WorldGuard, and Towny, both have their distinct advantages and disadvantages. We'll start with WorldGuard
It's simple, straight forward and still manages too be quite powerful It can stop a lot of things world-wide like endermen griefing, lava-fire spreading, fire spreading. creepers causing damage too terrain/players, and many other things, additionally, you can define custom regions that over-ride the world-wide values (I make heavy usage of this on my server).
Towny, I haven't really played around with, it's more wide-spread pvp-oriented and I never really quite understood it, it has it's own economy system, called Crits, It has a "multi layered" regions system wich starts with town blocks, which makes up a town, then multiple towns can band together and form a nation. then you have outposts, which.. yea..
0.0 HOLEY SHIT. Did I really really just ramble on like that? WOW. well have a good night blogger, i'm sick with the 3rd worst stomach flu of my life and want too lay down.