answering these in order would be logical at first, but sadly, Practice and Theory are seldom the same think, and rarely alike..
It all, for me, boils down to Life, The Universe, and the Nine Bloody Hells dragging me in every which direction across the 11 Dimensions defined by String Theory.. *ahem*.. Right.. Moving On..
If I were too sum up the values of the parts, in verbatim, the events that have transpired in the past months could fill several volumes of Non-Fiction books..
So I'll simply give you all the Cliff's Notes variant:
- I Posted on Oct. 13th, 2012
- My mom got sick...
- Then her cat, 4 times..
- I got sick, spent 2 months away from server..
- Server crashed.. AGAIN >.<
- Halloween Sucked
- CriKwaYulMis-<insert local winter holiday here>-thing came and went
- Started seriously putting time into recording my LP from Linux
- New Years sucked
- Got up motivation to get back into server-ey stuffs!
- Was shot down for a date.. on VALENTINES DAY >.<
- House flooded...
So here we are.. picking up on the Flood.. well.. it was nearly a complete Life-Changing Disaster.. including figuring out my server machine has a Bloody fucking HUMIDITY Sensor in it! Seriously.. WTF? Ah well, it's all good. Server is working well and I've refactored the Permissions too be easier to handle and fully implemented one eccentricnz's TARDIS Plugin on the server.. It's FUUUN Come Check it Out!
And lastly, a little shameless self-plug for my YouTube Channel.. Me on the YouTubes!
Hope You All have a good time till the next post!
Nigga no one gives a shit wtf you been doing . If you want to be a successful youtuber you have to keep on fighting and uploading videos !!!ლ(ಠ益ಠლ)