Monday, August 29, 2011

The Bridge.

Well, I've built a bridge, and it took me close too 5 hours over two days too figure the dang thing out.. but i think it's ready too be shared. so, here's the screencaps of each part. Please keep in mind this is my own design, I didn't follow any tutorials, aside from the guidence at minecraftwiki for the XOR Gate.

The first is the bridge, retracted, killing a zombie

Second, The XOR gate that allows me too have the two switches.

The bridge, extended.

The line of repeaters for the outer-switch, mainly for fun.

Extended, In daylight.

The pistons and torches that actually work the bridge, extended.

And again, retracted.

The initial bridge, retracted, this is the first design, which i changed, because it was UGLY. And I needed too add a second switch.

Well, Here We Are.

Hello, if you found this page then you must be as bored as I am, or you're really into Minecraft. As of right now there's not much going on, but I'll save my most recent invention for the next post, as soon as I figure out what I'm doing with Blogspot's GUI